How Others Made It Big

On arriving at the house some days back, I got to discover that everywhere was dark and scary. My neighbor’s house was so dark; the pathways were so dark. So when I got to my house, I opened the door but did not border switching on the lights because of the experience on my way home. So I sat in darkness for a while then discovered later that they had been electricity but my neighbors decided not to turn on their lights. Most of us because of our observations of others' failures and experiences we decide to settle for safety and avoid trying by staying in the dark as I did without using our own skills.

Simply because your friends/family/community decides to stay in darkness consciously or unconsciously (probably because of fear of failure) does not mean you should join them.

Try to light up your dream by trying before complaining if you must.

Don’t waste your time as I did in the dark because you see others there, take conscious, deliberate, determined effort to take yourself to the top.

Act from your imagination, not your memory.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it’s because we do not dare that they are difficult.