Living A Balanced Life With these Rituals

No one wants to labor to plant and die before the fruits are ready. No one wants to labor and create wealth without health. This will simply mean you are the poorest man on the planet. But day after day we neglect those little things we need to do to live a radiant/balanced life.

I know dear reader want to life a balanced life. Try the following rituals:

 1. The Ritual of Solitude

It is a period of time, as little as fifteen minutes or as much as fifty, wherein you explore the healing power of silence and come to know who you really are. Take some time out daily, to find a feeling of balance and clarity in your day to day activities – make it into a routine by practicing same time and place.

2.The Ritual of Physicality 

As you take care for the body, so you care for the mind. As you prepare your body, so you prepare your mind. As you train your body, so you train your mind.” Investing time in some form of vigorous exercise will not only help you look great in the mirror but it is also great for health and vitality.

3. The Ritual of Nourishment

A poor diet has a pronounced effect on your life. It drains your mental and physical energy. It affects your mood, and it hampers the clarity of your mind. Investing in life diets like fruits and vegetables should be you best take.

4.The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge

Read regularly. Reading for thirty minutes a day will do wonders for you. But I must caution you. Do not read just anything. You must be selective about what you put into the lush garden of your mind. It must be immensely nourishing. Make it something that will improve both you and the quality of your life.

5.The Ritual Of Personal Reflection

Well, most of us do think. The problem is that most people think just enough to survive. What I am speaking about with this ritual is thinking enough to thrive.  It’s recommended to reflect back on your day to measure what you did, and to have a benchmark on making immediate improvements gearing towards whatever you’re striving for.


Its either you run the day or the day runs you

                                                                                  Jim Rohn


The only way to be and do better today is to know what you did wrong yesterday 

6.The Ritual of Early Awakening

First, let me ask you what does ‘early’ mean?” Another fine question. There is no ideal time. Just like everything else I have shared with you so far, do what is right for you. Make sure you are up when you are most productive.

7.The Ritual Of The Spoken Word

Come up with phrases or look for phrases that empower you. Phrases that lights the fire in you to want to be and do more. Phrases like Mohammed Ali's "I am the greatest," Christians "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me," anything collection of words that keeps you focused and energized. Repeat them any time you feel like giving up.

8.The Ritual of A Congruent Character

Many people are good at being busy, but not great at being productive. Without focusing on the priorities, you’ll be constantly running around like a headless chicken. Prevent the risk of overwhelm and paralysis. Reduce the need of urgency for everything, and pay attention to the essentials that is meaningful and will help you grow as an exceptional person.


At the end of each day, evaluate yourself on a score of ten(10) and keep improving everyday and see how amazing your life becomes.