Bruises(Poetry EP on Gender Based Violence; gbv)

After close to six months of work with my coach Lanjo Sidonius Neindefoh, Asongafac Marie Therese, Nubia Nahbila, Yeika Desmond, Atemnkeng Victor, Atangche Zita, Ngek Lois, we are happy to finally let you know that the work has paid off.


Our sound engineer Ringwi Charles(Ringnwitz) and Artistic director Lanjo S. Neindefoh just announced to us that the poetry ep on gender based violence is finally ready and is available for sale online and offline.

It is also coupled with the poetry Ebook. 

I am super excited and can't wait to feel more support for this our new baby like you did for her big brother the "DarkLight" Poetry Album.

The album tiltled "Bruises" will be available form the 01st June 2023 on